M. Haissaguerre et al., ABLATION OF JUNCTIONAL TACHYCARDIAS BY RA DIOFREQUENCY CURRENT - EXPERIENCE-BASED UPON 538 PATIENTS, Annales de cardiologie et d'angeiologie, 42(10), 1993, pp. 528-536
Junctional tachycardias may be related to intranodal reentry or to the
existence of an accessory pathway. All are suitable for radical treat
ment by radiofrequency current applied either in the perinodal region
or at the tricuspid or mitral atrioventricular rings respectively. 176
patients with intranodal reentry were treated by preferential modific
ation of the rapid (8) or slow (167) anterograde pathway of the reentr
y circuit, with a 99 % success Fate (1 failure) and without significan
t complications, in particular atrioventricular block in the case of a
blation of the slow pathway. 362 patients with one or more accessory p
athways, patent or latent, were treated using the same type of energy.
The ablation site was determined on the basis of indirect criteria an
d/or recording of the specific activity of the accessory pathway. The
success rate here was 98 %, once again without significant complicatio
ns with the exception of those Inherent to catheterisation procedures.
Treatment duration time was 41+/-38 min in the treatment of intranoda
l reentry and 58+/-49 when one or more accessory pathways were respons
ible. X-ray exposure times were 14+/-14 min and 23+/-21 min respective
ly. Such results would justify the expectation of widened indications
of the method.