There is a belief that perinatal factors are a major cause of epilepsy
. We studied a community-based sample of twins, a group with a marked
excess of adverse perinatal events. The observed number of nontwin sib
lings with seizures did not differ from that predicted by the age-spec
ific cumulative incidence rate of seizures (4.2% at age 10 years) in t
he twins. The types of epilepsies in the twins were largely benign and
self-limited and not those associated with brain damage. Zygosity, bi
rth order, and birth weight did not predict affected status. Within af
fected sibships, the frequency of seizures in co-twins of dizygotic pr
obands (9%) was not different from the frequency in nontwin siblings (
12%) but was much less than the frequency in co-twins of monozygotic p
robands (38%; p < 0.001), reflecting a major genetic component to cert
ain epilepsies. These data show that twins do not have an increased ri
sk of seizures and strongly suggest that perinatal factors have little
bearing on the etiology of the common epilepsies in the community.