HUMAN activities have caused marked changes in atmospheric chemistry o
ver large regions of Europe and North America. Although considerable a
ttention has been paid to the effects of changes in the deposition of
acid anions (such as sulphate and nitrate) on terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems1-7, little is known about whether the concentrations of bas
ic components of the atmosphere have changed over time8,9 and what the
biogeochemical consequences of such potential changes might be. In pa
rticular, there has been some controversy8-12 as to whether declines i
n base-cation deposition have countered effects of recent reductions i
n SO2 emission. Here we report evidence for steep declines in the atmo
spheric concentrations of base cations (sum of non-sea-salt Ca2+, Mg2, K+ and Na+) over the past 10 to 26 years from high-quality precipita
tion chemistry records in Europe and North America. To varying but gen
erally significant degrees, these base-cation trends have offset recen
t reductions in sulphate deposition in the regions examined. The obser
ved trends seem to be ecologically important on decadal timescales, an
d support earlier contentions8-10 that declines in the deposition of b
ase cations may have contributed to increased sensitivity of poorly bu
ffered ecosystems.