Significance of a Positive Epicutaneous Test to Lanolin Contact sensit
izations to lanolin and its derivatives have received mention for some
decades. Attempts to chemically identify the allergens in lanolin hav
e failed. For this review, the frequency of allergy to lanolin and rel
ated substances was studied by analyzing available data in the literat
ure. Lanolin (anhydrous and hydrous) itself is a weak sensitizer. Most
of the proven cases of contact sensitization to lanolin can be attrib
uted to certain impurities. Sensitization is supposedly caused by resi
dues in free alcohol-containing fraction of lanolin and traces of unre
moved detergents. Infrequent contact sensitization to lanolin appears
to depend to a large part on quality and purity of the raw material us
ed. As shown in previous investigations, delayed-type reactions to lan
olin were not reproducible in a large percentage of cases. Therefore,
positive patch testing did not necessarily mean reactions upon practic
al use in a given case. These observations indicate that the bad reput
ation of lanolin as a common allergen should be reconsidered. In view
of the benefits of lanolin as an excellent emulsifier and vehicle of i
ngredients, more attention should be paid to the development of purifi
ed lanolin preparations.