The mechanical properties of two-phase composites are predicted using
a rigorous continuum mechanics analysis and an equivalent microstructu
ral transformation approach. This leads to a generalized law of mixtur
es which is contrasted with the classical linear law of mixtures which
requires some explicit assumptions. The generalized law of mixtures e
nables prediction of a variety of mechanical properties of a two-phase
composite with any volume fraction, grain shape and phase distributio
n. It is shown that the classical linear law of mixtures is a specific
case of the generalized law of mixtures. Examples are given from cont
inuous Cu-W composites, the particulate Co-WC system, Al/SiC(p) compos
ites, alpha-beta Ti Mn alloys and alpha-beta Cu Zn alloys for the pred
ictions of properties such as Young's modulus, yield strengths, flow s
tresses, the overall friction stresses and the overall Hall-Petch coef
ficients. It is shown that the theoretical predictions by the generali
zed law of mixtures are in very good agreement with the corresponding
experimental results drawn from the literature, for both continuous fi
bre composites and particulate reinforced systems.