Both tectonic and seismic data suggest that horizontally wide (in the
direction parallel to the axis of the trench) dipping subducting slabs
typically move stably at fixed angles to the horizontal, and that the
ir associated trenches migrate very slowly, or not at all. In contrast
, where backarc basins (BABs) exist, the associated trenches typically
migrate at rates of several cm/year. This behavior may be related to
the finite width of the slabs under BABs. Analysis shows that hydrodyn
amic suction created by the downdip motion of a wide slab is sufficien
t to balance the pull of gravity on the heavy slab. However, for a nar
row slab, sideways asthenospheric flow into the slab/overriding plate
corner effectively eliminates the suction, which results in the rapid
sinking of the slab. Hydrodynamic modeling is used to quantify this hy
pothesis. Modeling is used also to show that wide slabs are stable in
their inclined position not because of the gravitational wing-like sli
ding but due to the lifting force produced by the negative pressure (s
uction) in the slab/overriding plate corner. Finally the model results
confirm that for relatively narrow slabs, this lifting force is small
and cannot counterbalance gravity. Therefore, when bending moments in
a narrow slab exceed the plastic yield limit, the slab becomes unstab
le. This instability can cause the rapid migration of the slab's hinge
and the associated arc at rates of 10-20 cm/year and thus form the BA