One postulated earthquake mechanism is the dilatancy model. The dilata
tions due to deformation, microfracture (fracture), and stress relaxat
ion, either accompanied by fluid invasion or not, change the density,
the geometrical configuration in space, and the porosity and the conte
nts of the stressed volume of a tectonically active region. Observed g
ravity therefore is expected to respond to the sequence of events in t
he deformation cycle of dilatation. In this paper, a formulation of th
e gravity variations associated with the dilatation processes based on
a combined dilatancy model is given. The combined dilatancy model con
sists of the dilatancy-diffusion, the dilatancy-instability, and the f
ault-zone dilatancy models. For numerical calculations, the total tect
onically active region involved is represented by a vertical finite, r
ight circular cylinder, within which the fault-zone volume of the pote
ntial hypocentral region represented by a disk is embedded. The cylind
er has a radius of 40 km and thickness of 15 km with the bottom of the
cylinder coinciding with the depth of a tectonically detached zone. T
he disk is 2 km thick and 11 km in radius with the bottom of the disk
at a depth of 15 km. This representation is compatible with that of ea
rthquakes of magnitude 4-5 that frequently occurred through the last d
ecade or so in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan-Zhangjiakou (BTTZ) region
in China. The results of the calculations show that the variation form
s of gravity changes are a function of space and time, depending upon
the size and shape of both the total tectonically active region and th
e fault-zone volume. Therefore, the calculation of theoretical gravity
variations for a specific region comparable to that of the BTTZ regio
n, may be made on the basis of a thorough prior knowledge of the geolo
gical setting and the tectonic stress distribution of that region.