We describe the production of human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stim
ulating factor (hGM-CSF), by cell lines established from patients with
different stages of breast, lung and colon adenocarcinoma. GM-CSF exp
ression has been identified by immunocytochemistry determination, quan
tified on conditioned medium with specific ELISA procedure and evaluat
ed by means of proliferation and differentiation of normal human monoc
ytic and granulocytic progenitors. The growth of cell lines after incu
bation with exogenous GM-CSF and antibody-antiGM-CSF was not modified.
To better understand the patho-physiologic role of hGM-CSF in vivo we
also estimated its serum levels at diagnosis in 75 patients with brea
st lung and colon adenocarcinoma and in 69 healthy person. Only two pa
tients showed detectable GM-CSF levels. The lack of growth modulation
observed in vitro with exogenous GM-CSF and antibody anti-GM-CSF sugge
sts a non autocrine secretion by adenocarcinoma cells. The serum inves
tigation evidences that the leukocytosis observed in adenocarcinoma pa
tients is unrelated to a GM-CSF constitutive tumor production in vivo.