Ball-and-stick mechanical models, typically associated with chemists,
have been helpful in understanding structural problems and the relatio
nship between structure and biologic activity. With progress in comput
er speed, graphics performance, and software innovation, molecules of
biological interest can be subjected to rigorous calculations. Computa
tional chemistry and biology are rooted in the belief that theoretical
physics can be used to calculate accurate molecular structures. Altho
ugh in its infancy, computer-assisted molecular modeling is gaining at
tention and acceptability as an increasing number of researchers turn
their attention toward rational molecular design. The trend to use the
oretical methods can be traced to the greater availability of computer
graphics workstations, decreasing computer costs, faster central proc
essing units, more robust algorithms, and ''user-friendly'' software c
odes. Every major pharmaceutical company has invested in these resourc
es to reduce the time it takes to design and develop pharmaceutical ag
ents. Because of the vast financial and manpower investments needed to
introduce a single drug, medicinal chemists and pharmacologists are i
nterested in understanding and predicting drug action at the molecular
level. Although drug action is still poorly understood, molecular mod
eling should reduce some of the labor in the development of pharmaceut
ical agents.