1. This paper describes a novel approach to modelling of metapopulatio
n dynamics. The model is constructed as a generalized incidence functi
on, which describes how the fraction of occupied habitat patches depen
ds on patch areas and isolations. 2. The model may be fitted to presen
ce/absence data from a metapopulation at a dynamic equilibrium between
extinctions and colonizations. 3. Using the estimated parameter value
s, transient dynamics and the equilibrium fraction of occupied patches
in any system of habitat patches can be predicted. The significance o
f particular habitat patches for the long-term persistence of the meta
population, for example, can also be evaluated. 4. The model is fitted
to data from three butterfly metapopulations. The model predicts well
the observed minimum patch size for occupancy and the numbers of exti
nctions and colonizations per year (turnover rate). The results sugges
t that local populations of the three butterflies in patches of 1 ha,
which may support of the order of 1000 adult butterflies, have an expe
cted lifetime of 20-100 years.