Actin filament distribution patterns were revealed in a stratified squ
amous keratinized epithelium using phalloidin-fluorescent and immunogo
ld labeling techniques applied on bovine ruminal pilar as a model tiss
ue. In non-keratinized cell types, actin concentrates on the microfila
ment-rich cellular cortex as well as on cytoplasmic processes and prot
rusions. In cornified cells labeling is distributed diffusely over the
amorphous cytoplasm. A constant feature in all cell types is plasmale
mmal labeling. Desmosomes exhibit deposition on their plasmalemmal lea
flets, the dense central stratum and plaques. Desmosomal as well as cy
toplasmic keratinfilament bundles also label for actin, the latter oft
en in a cross-banded manner. These cellular distribution patterns of a
ctin filaments are discussed with respect to the significance of the m
icrofilaments in the process of cell shape determination, stratificati
on, and cell adhesion.