The hypnotic susceptibility of 300 nursing students was predicted via
an instrument called the Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory. The
students experienced the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibili
ty and subsequently completed the self-report inventory with reference
to their experience of hypnosis. Regression analyses generated a mult
iple R of.67 between subjects' susceptibility, as measured by the Harv
ard scale, and their predicted susceptibility, based on the (sub)dimen
sions of the inventory. Additional analyses gave a validity coefficien
t of.61 between the Harvard scale scores of the subjects in the presen
t study and their predicted scores, using regression coefficients obta
ined in an earlier study. The results replicated previous research and
suggest that the inventory may be a useful instrument in predicting h
ypnotic susceptibility in a less obtrusive fashion than the Harvard sc