This paper is dedicated to my friend and colleague Professor Dr Jaap S
chijve, required to retire like many good aircraft components accordin
g to a 'safe life' criterion but who is still young in mind, body and
spirit, has not yet reached his unfactored endurance limit, and who co
uld continue subject to a needed change in philosophy to 'retirement f
or cause'. Professor Schijve has dedicated his life to aviation safety
through his outstanding continuous research into aircraft fatigue and
fracture phenomena. The Federal Aviation Administration, whose primar
y goal is aviation safety, is indebted to Professor Schijve for his co
ntinous counsel through many contributions to the literature in his su
bject. The purpose of this paper is to encourage manufacturers of futu
re transport aircraft to retain the large damage-tolerance capability
designed into the first wide-bodied aircraft and to modify their metho
dology to establish inspection thresholds for those structures incapab
le of sustaining large obviously detectable damage. In the current eco
nomic environment there appears to be a general trend to lower the lev
el of safety built into the original wide-bodied aircraft to reduce as
sembly costs and weight. A number of examples are provided highlightin
g the implications of this general trend. Most of the wide bodied airc
raft are designed to sustain a two-bay skin crack with a broken centra
l stiffener at limit load. Some manufacturers would prefer to relax th
is criterion for wide expanses of basic structure with a view to savin
g weight. The implications of this are that extremely sophisticated ND
I will be required over wide areas to satisfy the damage tolerance req
uirements, thus creating a considerable burden on the operator. This i
s illustrated by example. Most of the large transport aircraft manufac
turers establish the threshold for detailed inspection of principal st
ructural elements through a fatigue evaluations process without consid
erations of initial manufacturing flaws. These thresholds are often as
long as three quarters of the aircraft design life goal. This practic
e has been thought to be satisfactory for fail-safe crack arrest struc
ture. In this case a second line of defence exists in the event that a
n initial manufacturing flaw nucleates into a propagating fatigue crac
k during the service life of the aircraft. Since crack arrest structur
e is usually capable of sustaining large obvious damage it is likely t
hat such large damage would be detectable. However, principal structur
al elements do exist that are incapable of sustaining large obvious da
mage where initial manufacturing flaws could grow critical prior to th
e threshold established by fatigue evaluation. This is illustrated by
a typical example. Structures operating beyond the life substantiated
by full-scale testing may be prone to multiple-site damage (MSD). Extr
emely small in-service undetectable MSD has the potential for substant
ially reducing lead crack and discrete source residual strength. This
is illustrated by typical examples. The majority of large transport ai
rcraft developed in the USA have circumferential crack-stopper straps
attached directly to the fuselage skins to guard against explosive dec
ompression failure in the event of undetected fatigue damage or discre
te source damage. This was thought necessary after the Comet disasters
in 1954. There is a current trend to eliminate these crack stoppers f
or future designs and depend only on shear clips for crack arrest capa
bility to save on assembly costs. The wisdom of this trend is challeng
ed by considering examples and citing a number of secondary effects th
at may prevent arrest of fast fracture.