Previous research indicates that persons assigning values to ranges of
health states consider some states to be worse than death. In a study
of decisions regarding life-sustaining treatments, the authors adapte
d and assessed existing methods for their ability to identify and quan
tify preferences for health states near to or worse than death in a po
pulation of well adults and nursing home residents. The cognitive burd
ens involved in these decisions were also evaluated. Hypothetical heal
th states based on six attributes of functional status were constructe
d to describe severe constant pain, dementia, and coma. The methods of
rank order, category scaling, time tradeoff, and standard gamble were
adapted to quantify states worse than death. Cognitive burden was ass
essed using completion rates, interviewer assessments, respondents' se
lf-reporting, and investigators' evaluations. For both respondent grou
ps, all methods showed similar degrees of cognitive burden for those a
ble to complete the tasks and were similar in their ability to identif
y and quantify preferences. The majority of nursing home residents, ho
wever, were unable to complete or comprehend the measurement tasks. Mo
st respondents evaluated their current health and severe constant pain
as better than death; dementia and coma were more often considered eq
ual to or worse than death. These results indicate that respondents ca
n and do evaluate some health states as worse than death. The authors
recommend systematic inclusion of states worse than death to describe
a more complete range of preference values and routine assessment of t
he cognitive burdens of assessment techniques to evaluate methodologie