This is a general circulation model sensitivity study of the physical
mechanisms of the effects of desertification on the Sahel drought. The
model vegetation types were changed in the prescribed desertification
area, which led to changes in the surface characteristics. The model
was integrated for three months (June, July, August) with climatologic
al surface conditions (control) and desertification conditions (anomal
y) to examine the summer season response to the changed surface condit
ions. The control and anomaly experiments consisted of five pairs of i
ntegrations with different initial conditions and/or sea surface tempe
rature boundary conditions. In the desertification experiment, the moi
sture flux convergence and rainfall were reduced in the test area and
increased to the immediate south of this area. The simulated anomaly d
ipole pattern was similar to the observed African drought patterns in
which the axis ofthe maximum rainfall shifts to the south. The circula
tion changes in the desertification experiment were consistent with th
ose observed during sub-Saharan dry years. The tropical easterly jet w
as weaker and the African easterly jet was stronger than normal. Furth
er, in agreement with the observations, the easterly wave disturbances
were reduced in intensity but not in number. Descending motion domina
ted the desertification area. The surface energy budget and hydrologic
al cycle were also changed substantially in the anomaly experiment.