The American Medical Association (AMA) Library and Information Managem
ent Division conducted a survey of 481 randomly selected hospital and
medical center libraries. Data were obtained from 307 libraries (63.8%
). The tabulated results showed that 58.1% of responding libraries all
ow patient access without restrictions. Another 19.9% allow patient ac
cess with restrictions, such as physician approval (13.4%) or various
other limitations (6.5%). Many of the surveyed librarians (67%) said t
heir institutions have separate nontechnical libraries for patients. M
edical library access was strongly or somewhat supported by 89.6% of t
he respondents; 6.1% were somewhat opposed, and 4.3% were strongly opp
osed to patient access. Approximately 10% of the libraries surveyed pr
ovided no patient education forum. The AMA trustees used the results o
f the survey in deciding whether to encourage hospitals and medical sc
hools to make their libraries accessible for use by patients and their