The diets of three common migrant waders; Curlew Sandpiper Calidris fe
rruginea, Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola and Greenshank Tringa nebul
aria and three resident species, Blacksmith Vanellus armatus, Kittlitz
's Charadrius pecuarius and Whitefronted Plovers C. marginatus, were s
tudied at the Berg River estuary, South Africa from December 1987 to A
pril 1989. Direct observations of feeding were combined with analyses
of stomach contents, pellets and droppings. Nereid worms, Ceratonereis
erythraeensis and C. keiskama, were the principal food of all species
studied except Greenshanks, which fed mostly on crabs, Hymenosoma orb
iculare. Despite considerable overlap in the diets of all bird species
, there were differences in the size classes of nereids taken by diffe
rent bird species. Visually-foraging plovers (Charadriidae) were highl
y selective, feeding on the largest nereids regardless of their abunda
nce. Tactile foragers, represented by Curlew Sandpipers, were non-sele
ctive, and consumed different size-classes of worms in proportion to t
heir abundance in the substratum. Seasonal variations in the diet of w
aders are linked to seasonal changes in the availability of prey speci