The linear fictitious crack model with linear softening law is a very
important special case of the general fictitious crack model proposed
by Hillerborg. When the traction-separation softening curve is assumed
linear, the peak load can be determined through the proposed linear e
igenvalue problem formalism, referred to as the boundary eigenvalue pr
oblem. A detailed description is given of the finite element implement
ation of the proposed algorithm. It is shown that the first eigenvecto
r can be used to calculate the peak load of the linear fictitious crac
k model. Furthermore, the first eigenvalue can be related to the criti
cal nondimensional specimen size. Finally, it is elucidated that in th
e linear fictitious crack model, the peak-load solutions can be presen
ted in a nondimensional fashion with proper consideration of material
properties and specimen sizes. The nondimensional peak-load solution g
raphs can be used effectively for quantifying the size effect in the l
inear fictitious crack model.