We report a case of bilateral temporal bone anomalies in a child with
symptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection and severe, bilateral
sensorineural hearing loss identified at 3 months of age. High-resolu
tion temporal bone computed tomography (HRCT) revealed bilateral findi
ngs of a short, malformed cochlea lacking an interscalar septum, a sho
rt and wide internal auditory canal, and an enlarged vestibular aquedu
ct, features diagnostic of bilateral Mondini dysplasia. To determine t
he importance of this observation, we completed HRCT in five additiona
l children between 7 months and 9 years of age who had evidence of sym
ptomatic congenital cytomegalovirus infection. One child with profound
sensorineural hearing loss had severe bilateral temporal bone dysplas
ia with a small cochlea lacking an interscalar septum, an abnormal ves
tibule, and a large cochlear aqueduct. Of the remaining four children,
hearing thresholds ranged from normal to profoundly decreased, but th
eir HRCT scans were normal to visual inspection. When inner ear dimens
ions of these temporal bones were compared with norms established by P
appas and coworkers, however, seven of the eight ears had short cochle
as and narrow lateral semicircular canals, and three ears had short or
narrow vestibules. These results indicate that congenital cytomegalov
irus infection may cause anomalies or growth disturbances of the tempo
ral bone.