From the general population in the country of Uppsala, Sweden, 1,596 m
en with pleural plaques fulfilling strict radiologic criteria mere ide
ntified from 1963 until June 1985. The men have been followed prospect
ively for 16,369 person-years. The number of mesotheliomas and bronchi
al carcinomas was compared with the age- and year-specific expected in
cidence from the official cancer registry of Sweden. Fifty bronchial c
arcinomas occurred, while 32.1 were expected after correction for smok
ing habits, a difference which was statistically significant. Patients
with radiologic asbestosis mere overrepresented among those with bron
chial carcinoma. The risk for patients with pleural plaques without as
bestosis was increased 1.4 times, which was statistically significant.
There mere 9 mesotheliomas, while only 0.8 mere expected. The mean la
tency time from first exposure to diagnosis of bronchial cancer was 44
.1 years and for mesothelioma was 48.1 years. Thus, pleural plaques on
the chest roentgenogram indicate significant exposure to asbestos, wi
th an increased risk for mesothelioma and possibly also for bronchial
carcinoma. Any person found to have plaques on chest roentgenogram sho
uld be informed of them and should be persuaded to stop smoking.