Infiltrating lobular carcinoma accounts for only a small fraction of b
reast carcinomas, with most patients having infiltrating ductal carcin
oma The metastatic patterns of ductal and lobular carcinoma have been
shown to be markedly different. Infiltrating lobular carcinoma metasta
sizes significantly more often to the gastrointestinal tract, pelvic o
rgans, peritoneum/retroperitoneum, and urinary tract than does infiltr
ating ductal carcinoma. This point has significance for follow-up, the
diagnosis of abdominal symptoms, and the therapeutic options for thes
e patients. This article illustrates the bread spectrum of abdominal m
etastases from lobular breast carcinoma that may be detected with comp
uted tomographic and fluoroscopic examinations, and it describes the r
ole of imaging in the diagnosis of metastatic disease in these patient