Mj. Tunnicliffe et al., LATENT DAMAGE AND PARAMETRIC DRIFT IN ELECTROSTATICALLY DAMAGED MOS-TRANSISTORS, Journal of electrostatics, 31(2-3), 1993, pp. 91-110
The relationship between parametric drift and latent damage in ESD gat
e-stressed MOSFETs is studied. Sub-breakdown damage causes minor chara
cteristic distortion, which may remain undetected until failure. Howev
er, such damage is only significant within a narrow stress-voltage win
dow. Oxide breakdown may cause straightforward malfunction (i.e. catas
trophic failure) or degraded transistor action. Degraded devices can d
egenerate further under working voltages (0-10 V), providing a latent
failure mechanism. Degradation phenomena are attributed to the intrusi
on of polysilicon gate-material into the oxide and channel regions. Ca
tastrophically failed and degraded devices are modelled using the PSpi
ce circuit simulation system. The effects of degradation upon CMOS log
ic operation are also examined.