Occurrence of individual amino acids and their homorepeats has been co
mputed from the available protein sequence database. Significant numbe
rs of homorepeats, up to a maximum of hexamers, were found for most am
ino acids. Preliminary results indicate that the patterns of percentag
e occurrence of individual amino acids are similar to those of their h
omodimers. Higher orders, however, show deviations in the predominance
profile. In the case of valine and isoleucine, the frequency of occur
rence of homorepeats (beyond trimers) goes down considerably, in sharp
contrast to their predominance as individual entities. Tryptophan was
not found beyond homotrimeric repeats and tyrosine and cysteine mere
not found in tandems beyond pentamers. Interspecies distribution profi
les reveal some interesting deviations. The cysteine content in E. col
i proteins was about 50% lower compared to human proteins. Very few E.
coli proteins have higher-order repeats and the functional importance
of these higher-order repeats has been analysed. Plant proteins have
very high glutamine tandems in contrast to intermediate frequency of s
ingle glutamine occurrences. This suggests a preferential selection of
some amino acids and their tandems in the course of evolution to suit
diverse functional and structural requirements.