We investigated the role of dopamine in the regulation of seasonal rep
roductive activity in mates. Nine seasonal anestrous mares, maintained
under a natural photoperiod, were treated daily with a dopamine D2 an
tagonist, [-]-sulpiride (200 mg/mare, im), beginning February 5 (day o
f year = 36) until the first ovulation of the year or for a maximum of
58. Nine untreated anestrous mates were maintained under the same con
ditions. The ovaries were examined by ultrasonography twice a week, an
d blood was collected three times a week for progesterone, LH FSH and
prolactin determinations. Mean day of first ovulation was significantl
y advanced for [-]-sulpiride-treated mares than control mares (mean da
y of year +/- SEM = 77.3 +/- 7.9 and 110.0 +/- 6.8, respectively; P<0.
01). Eight mares ovulated during [-]-sulpiride treatment while one mar
e failed to ovulate. Ovulation occurred 91 d after the start of treatm
ent or on Day 127. All mates continued to have normal estrous cycles a
fter the first ovulation. First cycle length and luteal progesterone c
oncentrations did not differ between [-]-sulpiride-treated and control
mares. Plasma prolactin concentrations were significantly increased a
t 2 and 9 h after [-]-sulpiride administration (P<0.05), and had retur
ned to basal Levels by 24 h. At the time of the LH surge associated wi
th the first ovulation, mean LH and FSH secretion was significantly hi
gher in [-]-sulpiride-treated mares than in control mates (P<0.05). Th
ese results suggest that dopamine plays a role in the control of repro
ductive seasonality in mares and exerts a tonic inhibition on reproduc
tive activity during the anovulatory season. (C) 1997 by Elsevier Scie
nce Inc.