We propose techniques for the solution of the LP relaxation and the La
grangean dual in combinatorial optimization and nonlinear programming
problems. Our techniques find the optimal solution value and the optim
al dual multipliers of the LP relaxation and the Lagrangean dual in po
lynomial time using as a subroutine either the Ellipsoid algorithm or
the recent algorithm of Vaidya. Moreover, in problems of a certain str
ucture our techniques find not only the optimal solution value, but th
e solution as well. Our techniques lead to significant improvements in
the theoretical running time compared with previously known methods (
interior point methods, Ellipsoid algorithm, Vaidya's algorithm). We u
se our method to the solution of the LP relaxation and the Langrangean
dual of several classical combinatorial problems, like the traveling
salesman problem, the vehicle routing problem, the Steiner tree proble
m, the k-connected problem, multicommodity flows, network design probl
ems, network flow problems with side constraints, facility location pr
oblems, K-polymatroid intersection, multiple item capacitated lot sizi
ng problem, and stochastic programming. In all these problems our tech
niques significantly improve the theoretical running time and yield th
e fastest way to solve them.