A follow up study of 101 men who were remanded to Brixton prison and w
ho were given hospital orders by courts is reported. In 93% of cases t
he hospitals who responded to our enquiries reported that the admissio
n had been appropriate. Only 5 (11%) of the 46 men who had been discha
rged from hospital had absconded or discharged themselves without medi
cal approval. The process of referral and admission to hospital result
ed in these men having to spend, on average, between two and three tim
es longer in custody when compared to men charged with similar offence
s. It is generally recognized that the acutely ill should not be impri
soned, and encouragement has been given to the diversion of such peopl
e from the Criminal Justice System. However, London presents particula
r problems in this respect and it is argued that, since such problems
will always be present, there is a need for special psychiatric facili
ties to be opened in order to serve the needs of the Capital.