In view of the transfusional risks of viral transmission (notably HIV)
, autologous transfusion is increasingly used; it is often the only po
ssible type of transfusion. A 42-year old woman with lupus erythematos
us, chronic renal failure and triple cardiac valve disease demanding s
urgery was admitted for multifactorial severe anaemia. Treatment with
erythropoietin (8000 units/day) iron replenishment, corticosteroids an
d polyvalent immunoglobulins was initiated. The patient was operated u
pon in April 1990. A preoperative cell-saver autotransfusion was perfo
rmed during surgery. The postoperative period was uneventful. Homologo
us transfusion was not necessary. In this case where homologous transf
usion was ruled out erythropoiesis stimulated by erythropoietin enable
d autotransfusion and cardiac surgery to be performed.