Salt diapirs produce highly complex deformation patterns in the surrou
nding overburden which are difficult to image seismically or model num
erically. To further the understanding of deformation around salt stru
ctures we have used physical models with brittle granular overburdens,
and simulated sedimentation accompanying diapiric rise. Rigid linear
indenters produce a crestal horst above the indentor with two flanking
graben. Large amounts of indentation produce predominantly reverse fa
ults along the margins of the diapir and extensional faults over the c
rest. In contrast hemispherical indenters produced inward-dipping conc
entric reverse faults. Forefully intruded polymer diapirs produce a na
rrow crestal graben above the diapir crest. Downbuilt polymer diapirs
produce extensional faults on the flanks of the diapirs which offset t
he diapir walls. No clear secondary rim synclines were developed as po
lymer is withdrawn evenly from the whole of the polymer layer across t
he model. Strong and anisotropic layered overburden were simulated usi
ng cohesive clay and mica respectively. Detachments were formed along
mica layers which suppressed faults with large throws. Cohesive layer
deformation began with tensile fractures, permitting rotation of fract
ured rafts around the sides of the diapir. These progressively slip of
f the crest and create large gaps in the stratigraphy.