The early and differential responses of the individual buds along a sh
oot have remained largely unknown due to the difficulties of analyzing
early indicators that allow the monitoring of the effects of subtle c
hanges in the environment on the growth activity of the individual bud
. To overcome this problem, we transformed poplar [Populus tremula (L.
) x P. alba (L.)] with two chimeric genes, Pcdc2a-gus and PcyclAt-gus,
the expression of which is closely linked to cell division in Arabido
psis thaliana (L.) Heynh. We analyzed the expression levels of both ch
imeric genes in individual buds of the same tree, and under different
conditions known to promote or retard growth in the buds. The expressi
on levels of both chimeric genes were found to reflect closely the gro
wth activity of the buds. After decapitation of the shoot, the express
ion of Pcdc2a-gus and PcyclAt-gus revealed rapid and selective changes
in the cell cycle, even when no morphological changes were observed.
Furthermore, on the basis of the expression of the chimeric cell cycle
genes, different degrees of growth activity and dormancy could be dis
criminated in the axillary buds. In addition, the expression of PcyclA
t-gus was found to be closely associated with the day length, which is
critical for dormancy induction in poplar.