We have characterised the low temperature adsorption of ethene on both
clean and chlorine-precovered Ag(100) surfaces. On the clean surface
at temperatures ca. 100 K ethene is found to be weakly pi-bonded at al
l coverages with dynamic pressures of the gas being required to satura
te the monolayer adsorption state. At high coverages, around the monol
ayer point, repulsive adsorbate-adsorbate interactions induce a reorie
ntation of the ethene which rotates the molecular plane towards the su
rface normal. The interaction of ethene with a surface pretreated with
Cl-2, is strongly dependent on the Cl coverage. At low values an enha
ncement of the ethene-surface interaction via the formation of ordered
ethene-chlorine structures is observed, although no substantial re-hy
bridisation of the ethene is induced, while at high Cl coverage a prog
ressive passivation of the surface is produced. The results presented
are consistent with the formation of a simple chemisorbed layer of chl