Satellite laser ranging (SLR) data collected at sites around the world
between 1984 and 1990 by the WEGENER/MEDLAS Group (Working Group of E
uropean Geoscientists for the Establishment of Networks for Earthquake
Research/MEDiterranean Laser Ranging) have been processed to give six
annual long arc solutions for the global set of stations and six annu
al pseudo-short arc (PSA) network solutions for the European and Medit
erranean stations. The first two WEGENER/MEDLAS measurement campaigns
involving the mobile SLR stations in Turkey (Diyarbakir, Yigilca, Mele
ngiclik and Yozgat) took place in 1987 and 1989. In the first step of
this study a global reference frame was defined using most of the fixe
d SLR stations. The PSA technique was then applied to a network includ
ing both mobile and fixed SLR stations in Europe and the eastern Medit
erranean, and station velocities were calculated in the global referen
ce frame. The fixed European stations which do not have significant mo
tions within the global reference frame were chosen to define a fixed
European reference frame. Finally, the station velocities were calcula
ted in this fixed European reference frame. The PSA technique shows th
at horizontal velocities of stations in Turkey range from 1 to 4 cm/yr
relative to this frame. The motions of stations in Yigilca, Melengicl
ik and Yozgat are in a north to north-westerly direction. However, the
station in Diyarbakir appears to have a motion in an easterly directi