This study explores factors influencing compliance with command halluc
inations. The most widely acknowledged factor is the content of the co
mmand. Three categories of command content were found to be discrete i
n terms of compliance: 'innocuous' commands, 'severe' commands and com
mands to self-harm. This study takes a cognitive approach and highligh
ts the importance of the beliefs individuals hold about their voices.
Beliefs appear to be important in determining whether or not individua
ls comply with commands and the affect generated. A belief that the vo
ice is benevolent was associated with compliance with both innocuous a
nd severe commands. In addition, participants who believed they retain
ed subjective control over their voices were less likely to comply wit
h all types of command. Furthermore, qualitative evidence suggested th
at several other beliefs may influence compliance with command halluci
nations such as beliefs about the effects of transgression, beliefs ab
out the power and authority of the commander, beliefs about the social
acceptability of the action (which may be closely correlated or synon
ymous with severity) and its effectiveness in achieving a valued goal.
Further research is necessary to investigate the importance of these
beliefs and their interrelationships more fully.