Several vanadium compounds were tested for their ability to induce in
vitro hemolysis of vitamin E-deficient hamster erythrocytes. Free vana
dyl caused hemolysis in Hepes buffer but not in Tris or phosphate buff
er, while hemolysis was inhibited by catalase, chelators such as defer
oxamine mesylate and EDTA, and hydroxyl radical scavengers such as eth
anol and D-mannitol. Although metavanadate itself could not induce hem
olysis, metavanadate with NAD(P)H caused hemolysis in Hepes buffer onl
y, and superoxide dismutase prevented it. Hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl
radical and Hepes radical were involved in vanadyl-induced hemolysis;
superoxide anion was further involved in metavanadate plus NAD(P)H-ind
uced hemolysis. Vitamin E prevented hemolysis under both conditions.