This research was conducted to identify the factors that have permitte
d Populus-Salix woodland to expand into the formerly active channels o
f the Platte River and its two major tributaries, the South and North
Platte rivers. The research included: pre-settlement vegetation recons
truction based on the General Land Office survey notes, a statistical
comparison between historic rates of woodland expansion from aerial ph
otographs and environmental variables, and a held study of seedling de
mography to isolate the factors controlling recruitment and survival i
n the modern river. Woodland expansion began in the South and North Pl
atte rivers around 1900 and spread downstream into the Platte River. B
y the late 1930s, vegetation had occupied most of the former channel a
rea of the South and North Platte rivers and was expanding into Platte
River channels. Rates of channel loss in the Platte River have been a
s great as 10%/yr during droughts. By 1986, channel-to-woodland propor
tions were relatively uniform throughout the Platte River system. Stat
istical models indicated that sandbar succession to woodland was regul
ated by three environmental factors: June hows, summer drought, and ic
e. June flow regulated seedling recruitment and initial survival becau
se it coincided with the main Populus-Salix seed germination period. H
istoric reductions in flow at this time for irrigation and to fill res
ervoirs exposed much of the riverbed and elevated recruitment and seed
ling survivorship. Late-summer seedling survival was regulated by fact
ors that affect seedling water balance, including river stage, seedlin
g elevation in the riverbed, and rainfall. Winter conditions exerted t
he largest effect on seedling survivorship. Dominant factors were air
temperature, streamflow, and seedling elevation in the riverbed. Lowes
t survivorship occurred during cold, icy winters with relatively high
flow and when most seedlings were growing on low sandbars. The dominan
t historic trend, of losses in channel area and gains in woodland area
, has ceased in recent years. No significant declines in channel area
have occurred since 1969; in several reaches channel area has signific
antly increased since 1969. Comparatively small changes in channel and
woodland proportions are expected in the future as long as water use
and climate do not change markedly. The steady state has developed bec
ause flows have come into balance with active channel area, thereby re
ducing recruitment and increasing the mortality of tree seedlings. Bec
ause of the importance of wide, unvegetated channels to certain avifau
na, it may be desirable to manage future hows to ensure no further red
uction in channel widths, even if narrowing is only temporary. Dominan
ce by Populus and Salix on new sandbars can be explained by life histo
ry characteristics. These include large and dependable seed crops that
are effectively dispersed by wind and water to optimal germination si
tes; rapid germination; rapid root and height growth to withstand floo
ding, drought, and sedimentation; tolerance of low soil fertility; and
the ability of Salix to reproduce vegetatively. Pioneer vegetation an
d geomorphic processes (principally sedimentation) facilitate successi
on on floodplains by modifying the highly variable riverbed environmen
t suitable for early successional species into relatively stable surfa
ces favorable for recruitment of later successional species.