The unique plant and animal communities of the French subantarctic isl
ands have been greatly modified by the introduction of mammals since t
heir discovery in 1552 and 1772. Nine species, wild and domestic, thri
ve due to a lack of competitors, predators and diseases and despite th
e small number of founders. Herbivores have induced significant change
s to the nature and structure of plant communities and carnivores have
modified burrowing petrel Procellaridae populations and species diver
sity. Introductions are now prohibited. Research programmes have been
developed to study the population biology, and measures are being take
n to control or eradicate alien species populations. Control programme
s are effective for rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus on the Kerguelen arc
hipelago and cattle on Amsterdam Island. Planned programmes deal with
cat, mouflon and sheep in the Kerguelens.