Migration of particulate matter from plastic tubing and solid plastic
implants has been documented in a number of studies, including some wi
th the use of cardiac bypass, haemodialysis, and pump-assisted intrave
nous infusions. In order to ascertain whether silicone embolisation oc
curs when children have an Ivac 560 pump-assisted IV infusion, we pass
ed 180 mi of pumped fluid through a microfilter and compared the scann
ing electron micrographs of those filters with unused filters and with
others through which a similar volume had been passed without using t
he pump. The particles on the filters were analysed for their elementa
l content using energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. In addition, the app
earance of the silicone tubing used in the pump over 3 and 72 h was as
sessed and compared to that of flow-only and unused tubing. More parti
cles were found on the microfilter when fluid had been delivered via t
he pump than on those through which non-pumped fluid had passed or tha
t were unused. Elemental silicon-containing particles were only found
on the filter when a pump had been attached to the IV line. The flow-o
nly and unused tubing were found to have adherent particles on the inn
er surface that were not seen once the tubing had been used for 3 h in
the Ivac 560 pump. Also, after 72 h use, the silicone tubing had a de
formed inner layer. The clinical significance of these findings is yet
to be determined, but it does appear that silicone embolisation occur
s during pump-assisted infusions in children.