The rate constants for refolding and unfolding of the P22 Arc represso
r dimer have been determined by stop-flow fluorescence experiments. Un
der most conditions, refolding is described well as a two-state reacti
on with a bimolecular rate-limiting step (k(f) approximate to 10(7) M(
-1) s(-1)). A unimolecular step appears to become co-rate limiting at
high protein concentrations. The urea dependence of the refolding reac
tion suggests that about 75% of the total burial of hydrophobic surfac
e occurs between the unfolded state and the transition state for foldi
ng. Hydrophobic interactions are also evidenced by the temperature dep
endence of the refolding reaction; the rate increases with temperature
and Arrhenius plots are curved, as expected for a reaction that proce
eds with a significant heat capacity change. The refolding of Arc also
proceeds more rapidly as the salt concentration is raised, presumably
because repulsive interactions between monomers are screened. At a pr
otein concentration of 10 mu M, the apparent rate constant for refoldi
ng of the Are dimer is approximate to 100 s(-1), as fast as the refold
ing of many monomeric proteins. The rate constant for unfolding is app
roximate to 0.1 s(-1), corresponding to a half-life of less than 10 s
for the folded Arc dimer. This rate of unfolding is very fast in compa
rison to that of other characterized proteins and implies that a free
Arc molecule must unfold and refold hundreds of times per generation i
n the cell.