The enzyme steroid 5 alpha-reductase utilizes NADPH to reduce the doub
le bonds of a variety of steroid substrates with generalized 3-oxo, De
lta(4,5) structures. One substrate for this membrane-bound enzyme is t
estosterone, whose reduction to dihydrotestosterone is required for th
e embryonic differentiation of the external male genitalia and prostat
e. There are two 5 alpha-reductase isozymes, designated types 1 and 2,
which have different biochemical and pharmacological properties. Inhe
rited deficiencies of 5 alpha-reductase type 2 result in a form of mal
e pseudohermaphroditism in which the external genitalia fail to develo
p normally. Here, nine additional mutations in the 5 alpha-reductase 2
gene in subjects with 5 alpha-reductase deficiency are described. The
biochemical consequences of these mutations, as well as 13 previously
identified missense mutations, were characterized by recreating the m
utations in an expressible cDNA and transfecting into mammalian cells.
Twelve of the 22 mutations inactivated the enzyme. The remaining 10 m
utations impaired enzyme function by affecting either substrate or cof
actor binding. Almost all mutations decreased the half-life of the pro
tein, and all but one of the impaired enzymes had an altered pH optimu
m. The mutations provide insight into functional domains in the protei
n as well as an unusual acidic pH optimum characteristic of the 5 alph
a-reductase type 2 isozyme.