The scattering of an ''exotic'' light nucleus with a ''halo'' is compa
red with that of a normal nucleus. Four, sometimes opposing, effects a
re identified, arising from the rear and imaginary parts of (i) the ex
tended tails of the complex optical potential due to the halo, and (ii
) the complex polarization potential arising from breakup. Semiclassic
al expressions are derived which embody the expected differences, and
compared with fully quantal optical-model calculations. The cases of L
i-11 and C-11 scattering from C-12 at E/A approximate to 60 MeV are ex
amined. The net effect of the halo depends upon the details of the int
eractions, but we conclude that Li-11 does not exhibit greatly enhance
d refraction compared to C-11, and that its elastic scattering cross s
ections are similar to, and may be smaller than, those for C-11, in ag
reement with preliminary analyses of the measurements.