During the two weeks following the onset of cochlear function in the g
erbil, active cochlear processes appear to mature. The active cochlear
processes likely involve outer hair cells with their specialized late
ral wall structures, including the subsurface cisternae and associated
cytoskeletal elements. We have previously demonstrated that the subsu
rface cisternae mature gradually during the time that active cochlear
processes mature in the gerbil. In the study reported here, we used po
stembedding immunocytochemical electron microscopy to investigate whet
her actin labelling associated with the cortical cytoskeleton of the g
erbil outer hair cell increased concomitantly. In contrast to the grad
ual development of the subsurface cisternae, actin labelling in the re
gion of the cortical cytoskeleton significantly increased during the o
nset of cochlear function and maintained this level during the time th
at active cochlear processes mature. Thus, it appears that increased a
ctin adjacent to the lateral plasma membrane of the outer hair cell is
related to the onset of cochlear function rather than to the maturati
on of active cochlear processes.