The protection of wetlands and riparian areas has emerged as an import
ant environmental planning issue. In the United States, several federa
l and state laws have been enacted to protect wetlands and riparian ar
eas. Specifically, the federal Clean Water Act includes protection req
uirements in Sections 301 and 303 for state water quality standards, S
ection 401 for state certification of federal actions (projects, permi
ts, and licenses), and Section 404 for dredge and fill permits. The Se
ction 401 water quality state certification element has been called th
e ''sleeping giant'' of wetlands protection because it empowers state
officials to Veto or condition federally permitted or licensed activit
ies that do not comply with state water quality standards. State offic
ials have used this power infrequently. The purpose of this research w
as to analyze the effectiveness of state wetland and riparian programs
. Contacts were established with officials in each state and in the na
tional and regional offices of key federal agencies. Based on intervie
ws and on a review of federal and state laws, state program effectiven
ess was analyzed. From this analysis, several problems and opportuniti
es facing state wetland protection efforts are presented.