The chemistry of the soil solution in an acid mediterranean forest soi
l with a moder type humus profile was studied. Aqueous extracts of ect
organic horizons were characterized by high contents of basic cations
(Ca, Mg, K and Na) and much lower concentrations of inorganic anions.
The resultant apparent anion charge deficit could be explained by a su
bstantial dissociation of dissolved organic acids, in particular fulvi
c acid, into organic anions. Soil solution chemistry of mineral horizo
ns sampled with porous cups also showed an apparent ionic charge imbal
ance which correlated positively with the concentration of dissolved o
rganic carbon (DOC). In the mineral soil both DOC and basic cation con
centrations decrease with depth. Aluminium and iron concentrations wer
e positively correlated with DOC concentrations, and decreased with de
pth. Both correlations indicate that soluble organic acids, which show
a similar behaviour to the fulvic acid fractions of the ectorganic la
yer, are able to migrate through the soil profile during the wet seaso