C. Mirabelsarron et al., BECKS COGNITIVE THERAPY IN DEPRESSED CHRO NIC-PATIENTS NONRESPONDER TO PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT, Annales medico-psychologiques, 151(10), 1993, pp. 697-701
Beck's cognitive therapy in depressed chronic patients non responder t
o pharmacological treatment. A cognitive therapy based on Beck's model
was performed on 25 depressed outpatients. Each patient followed a co
urse of 15 sessions with the same therapist. In order to reach some fa
ctors capable to predict a possible response to this therapy an evalua
tion was undertaken. A clinical assessment based on DSM III-R criteria
and Hamilton's scales and a cognitive and psychometric assessment. Ev
ery patient was reexamined one year after begining of the therapy. Pat
ients could be classified in three groups. The first group still not d
epressed. The second group included subjects who could have suffered o
f short depressive episods. The third group showed an incomplete impro
vement. The result of therapy in these patients was not influenced by
age, sere and intellectuel level. Furthermore the first group was cara
cterised by a higher level Hy in MMPI and the third group by higher sc
ores Pt, D1, D4. These results are encouraging to apply cognitive ther
apy in chronical depressed patients resistant to pharmacological treat