The high beta-poloidal discharge number 17110 in JT-60U (JT-60 Team, I
AEA, Vienna, 1993) that develops an internal transport barrier is anal
ysed for the transport of ion energy and momentum. First, the classica
l ion temperature gradient stability properties are calculated in the
absence of sheared plasma flows to establish the L-mode transport leve
l prior to the emergence of the transport barrier. Then the evolving t
oroidal and poloidal velocity profiles reported by Koide et al (1994 P
hys. Rev. Lett. 72 3662) are used to show how the sheared mass flows c
ontrol the stability and transport. Coupled energy-momentum transport
equations predict the creation of a transport barrier. The balance of
the steep ion temperature gradient against the magnetic shear and shea
red mass flow is calculated for the profiles in the 17110 discharge.