Purpose: To describe the spectrum of early CT findings of lupus mesent
eric vasculitis (LMV) and to assess the utility of CT in the managemen
t of this uncommon entity. Methods: Abdominal CT was performed within
1-4 days (average 2.2 days) of the onset of severe abdominal pain and
tenderness in 15 women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Prompt high-
dose i.v. corticosteroid was administered in 11 patients after the CT
diagnosis of LMV was made. CT was performed after abdominal symptoms s
ubsided. Results: Eleven cases revealed CT features suggestive of LMV
including conspicuous prominence of mesenteric vessels with palisade p
attern or comb-like appearance (CT comb sign) supplying focal or diffu
se dilated bowel loops (n=11), ascites with slightly increased periton
eal enhancement (n=11), small bowel wall thickening (n=10) with double
halo or target sign (n=8). Follow-up CT before high-dose steroid ther
apy revealed complete or marked resolution of the abnormal CT findings
. Conclusion: CT is helpful for confirming the diagnosis of LMV, espec
ially the comb sign which may be an early sign. Bowel ischemia due to
LMV is less ominous than previously expected, and the abnormal CT find
ings were reversible when early diagnosis and prompt i.v. steroid ther
apy could be achieved.