Laboratory experiments are conducted on a physical system in which an
oscillatory, along-shore, free stream flow of a homogeneous fluid occu
rs in the vicinity of a long coastline with vertical slope; the model
sea-floor is horizontal. Particular attention is given to the resultin
g rectified (mean) current which is along the coastline with the shore
on the right, facing downstream. In the lateral far field region defi
ned by y/H >> 0(1), where y is the offshore coordinate and H is the de
pth of the fluid, the motion field is approximately independent of the
lateral distance from the coast. The vertical structure of the cross-
stream motion in this region consists of Ekman layers near the sea-flo
or and interior adjustment flows, both periodic in time. In the near f
ield, defined by y/H less than or similar to 0(1), the motion is stron
gly dependent on the cross-stream coordinate as well as time, and rect
ified currents are observed. The mechanism responsible for the rectifi
cation is a complex nonlinear coupling between laterally directed adju
stment flows driven by the transport in the bottom Ekman layers, and t
he free stream motion field. The rectified current is found to be subs
tantially wider than the Stewartson layer thickness but much narrower
than the Rossby deformation radius. The characteristic width, delta(y)
, of the rectified current is shown to scale as delta(y)/H similar to
RoRo(t)(-1)E(1/2), where Ro is the Rossby number, Ro(t), is the tempor
al Rossby number and E is the Ekman number. Experiments are presented
which support this scaling.