1. In order to find a correlation between the thermal conditions in be
d and the quality of sleep, 5 young, healthy persons were tested in a
thermal climate chamber. 2. The sleep of each person was thoroughly mo
nitored during 5 nights (stages I to IV, REM, awake) with continuous r
egistration of 14 temperatures, 12 distributed in the bed, the distal
skin temperature and the ambient temperature. 3. Shortly after the tes
t persons went to bed and shortly after they woke up their blood press
ure and pulse were taken and they were asked to fill in a questionnair
e. 4. The results of this pilot project show a correlation between the
quality of sleep and the variations of temperature and that larger fl
uctuations of temperature in the bed are connected to a shorter deep-s
leep time. 5. In order to investigate the thermal comfort it is recomm
ended to undertake detailed analyses of the time and exact interplay b
etween the local thermal conditions during sleep and changes of the sl