Thymic nurse cells (TNC), a paradigmatic cell type of cortical epithel
ium, are large lymphoid-epithelial cell complexes of thymocytes enclos
ed within vacuoles lined by the epithelial cell membrane. TNC express
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II molecules
on their surface and vacuole-lining membranes at high density and it w
as suggested that TNC provide an optimal microenvironment for positive
selection of T cells. In this report we present electron microscopica
l data demonstrating that chicken TNC display morphological structures
of exocytosis previously shown for hormone-secreting cells. In TNC, h
owever, exocytosis is restricted to the capillary cleft between the ep
ithelial cell and engulfed thymocytes. Thus, besides physical contact
between the epithelial cell and enclosed thymocytes, TNC may additiona
lly influence the development of thymocytes through release of soluble
factors in a restricted microenvironment. By employing the 3-(2,4-din
itroanilino)-3'-amino-N-methyl propylamine technique which at the ultr
astructural level detects acidic organelles involved in processing of
antigens presented by MHC class II molecules,we also show that TNC con
tain acidic compartments similar to classical antigen-presenting cells
, i.e. early and late endosomes and lysosomes, albeit in a lower amoun
t than in thymic dendritic cells. This fact provides evidence that TNC
not only are capable of antigen presentation but also possess the int
racellular machinery for antigen processing.