Pentosan polysulfate (PPS) is a highly negatively charged polysacchari
de which has activity against multiple tumor types in the preclinical
setting. We demonstrate here that Pentosan inhibits the growth of the
anaplastic Dunning R3327 rat prostate adenocarcinoma MAT-LyLu when tre
atment was started when the tumor was not palpable but has little effe
ct against established tumors. This inhibition may be mediated by the
effect of Pentosan on endothelial cells. Pentosan, in combination with
hydrocortisone, inhibits endothelial cell motility and tubule formati
on in vitro and inhibits capillary formation in the chicken chorioalla
ntoic membrane (CAM) assay. These data suggest that Pentosan may be a
potent inhibitor of tumor-associated angiogenesis and may be an effect
ive agent for the prevention and/or suppression of prostate cancer gro