The performance of linear and nonlinear temperature control schemes is
assessed for an open-loop unstable gas-phase polyethylene reactor (GP
PER), based on speed, damping, robustness and the ability to maintain
closed-loop stability in different operating regimes. An existing indu
strial GPPER model is improved by modelling the temperature states in
the external heat exchanger using linear and nonlinear driving force m
odels with varying numbers of heat transfer stages. Differences in hea
t exchanger models do not produce gain mismatch but do result in phase
mismatch. It is shown that the nonlinear error trajectory controller
(ETC) exhibits significantly superior responses in terms of speed, dam
ping and robustness compared with an optimally-tuned PID controller. T
herefore, substantial benefits could be realized using nonlinear contr
ollers because they can provide good disturbance rejection capabilitie
s and ensure closed-loop stability over a wide range of operating cond
itions. An approach is presented for tuning ETCs for minimum-phase pro
cesses of arbitrary relative degree. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. Al
l rights reserved.